About us

Our company is an independent that was born out of a demand for our services within the independent merchants, so we created a company that specialises in underfloor heating for them.

A lot of merchants lose a great deal of business to the online market by sticking with the big brand names. By using us, we can win the business you might be losing right now.

We endeavour to make sales easy for the merchants that have busy counters and can not afford the time to plan and price underfloor heating. By taking on your customers’ needs, it frees you up to continuing selling on the counter.

We do not disclose pricing with your customers, once we have worked out a price for the project it is sent over to you to discuss with your customer.

We can provide a complete service from basic supply of single rooms to detailed plans with pipe layouts and all the finer detail.

With over 30 years’ experience in the plumbing and heating industry we are well equipped to provide all the information you or your client would need to complete the project.

Our team members are very knowledgeable and are there to help with any technical issues should they arise.

Good stock holding is essential in our business and we pride ourselves on the goods that we stock.

By holding the key components as stock items we are able to turnaround most orders extremely fast, delivering to you or direct to your client.

Stocking of the basics in your shop can also add to your sales. In one merchant we trialled this with a small amount of essentials such as pipe and clips, this added to their turnover and profit for little outlay. Once people know that you have stock this will lead to a lot of repeat business.

By not selling underfloor heating you are giving you customers the opportunity to buy online.

Call us today to discuss how we can help you obtain more sales and profit.

With so much to offer, you might think there is a hefty price tag to go with it, but you would be wrong. Our products are extremely well priced so you can take on the online suppliers with ease and get the personal service at the same time.